Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Happy Birthday and A Whole Lotta Cuteness

**Warning:Picture overload**

First off, shout out to Mr. B's sister! She turned 24 on Saturday, I know this is late, but we have been busy and better late than never, right?

She is easy going.


Will hate me for this picture.

I think it's cute.
She's caring.


Great big sister.

A hard worker.

Great Mama.

I know this is blurry, but it's a really good picture.

I am extra thankful for her for blessing our lives with an adorable little nephew.

How cute is that little smirk??

One of my favorite days on the beach: sleeping beach babe, soaking in the sun and reading a book while watching everyone else play in the water. Heaven.

Thank the Lord for that family vacation-
those are a the only pictures I have of us together. Boo.
He's not that little anymore :( 16 months next week!
I miss him so much and I hope he remembers his Auntie J!
Happy Birthday, Amanda!
Wish we could've been there to celebrate with you!


Last night Mr. B and I played house.
In November we began "triplet duty" two nights a week.
We play and feed these little cuties and put them to bed.
Yesterday we needed to pick the girls up from daycare and we got to spend the early evening with them. We went to Target and later went for a walk- the weather was so perfect.
I love watching babies, but I especially love taking them out places and feeling like a mom.
Taking two babies out and being with my husband...loved. it.

When I first met them they were so tiny, both weighing only a little over 3 lbs.

7 months later....
Chunky Monkeys!
They are so precious and smiley.
This is picture overload, but I couldn't resist!
They recently found out that these beauties are actually identical.
Momma spent the evening with their triplet brother and their big brother who is 3.
This is how how Mr. B and I spent our evening...

Jealous?? :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday: Magazines

It's Tuesdayyyyy! Today at the Undomestic Momma is Top 2 Magazines.
I love magazines. Mr. B and I love to go to the bookstore across the street, plant ourselves in some comfy chairs and read magazines. Are we cool or what? But hey it's a free date! Although I am not sure if that counts as a date since we don't talk to each other for an hour or two, but hey it works for us.

While he reads the boring stuff like Money, Time and ESPN.
I read the important stuff like....

1. Real Simple. Love this magazine. This is filled with great, useful ideas using your every day items that using them in creative/effective new ways. It gives tips on organization, different recipes, good products etc. Great Mag.

2. Any Celeb gossip. I will admit it. Don't judge.Who doesn't like seeing that the celebs are just like US?! They get their own mail, they cut their own food, they fill up their own gas tank, they lick their ice cream cone- wow. No, but really...I enjoy seeing that. That may or may not be why I originally joined Twitter. I follow celebs, pretend they're my friends and I am enlightened on how normal they are in real life.
To top it off I also enjoy watching the celeb gossip shows: TMZ, Extra, ET, Access Hollywood etc. Mr. B so doesn't get it. He is one of the most annoying people to watch any of those shows with. He makes fun of it and shouts out a million "who cares" ummm ME! I want to know their fears about breast feeding with implants. I want to watch the clip of grown up Michelle aka Mary-Kate or Ashley walk across the street. I want to see Carrie Underwoods massive beautiful engagement ring. I want to see Kim Kardashians cellulite. I care.
I also always read Parents and any other pregnant/baby magazines (gotta get ahead of the game) and I enjoy the occasional Shop Smart ;), Glamour and Cosmo-although I am not a huge fan of when they have 19875865 ads and like thismuch good stuff.

What are your favorite mags??

Monday, April 5, 2010

Productive Much?

Our short trip to NH went by so fast, but we accomplished more in those few days than we had imagined!

It was so nice to be back with this cute little man again.
I love this kid so much.
I hate living away from my little sibs and I am so looking forward to moving back home and being involved in their lives.
My big man was offered an awesome job. On Wednesday he met with the recruiter, an hour later he met with the company, the next day he met with the President of the company, five minutes after he left the meeting they made him an offer.
They told Mr. B to be sure to wear a suit jacket when meeting the the night before meeting the President was spent at Men's Wearhouse buying Mr. B black shoes (he forgot to pack them) and his first real suit jacket. I also suggested he wear his glasses for the extra oomph of intelligence. Had to dress to impress. Success.

My grammie found us the perfect place for this next season in our life. I will post about that story later this week. God is so good.

Complete with a great backyard for Roxie. That is the fence that divides our place with my grandparents. That is their white house. We are expecting "Wilson" moments like on Home Improvement.

The weather was absolutely beautiful. We didn't even miss Florida. At all. Not once.
We were able to go to C-Man's first flag football game.

My beautiful sister. Can't wait to have our "sister days" again.
Can you believe we are 10.5 years apart??

My family is going through a farm animal phase. I will introduce you to the most recent additions later this week. We went to visit a goat breeder to take a look at the newest additions that will be joining the Grace Family in June. They are getting a 1 year old female and 2 baby males. The babies will be born in the next few weeks, but look at how cute these other ones on the farm are....

This is the size they will be when they take them home

They are actually really playful and doglike. We are excited to see how Roxie and the baby goats will interact with each other.

THE biggest dog I have ever seen in my life. I am bummed because you can't really tell in the pictures I took. I think my sister took one that might show it better, but wow. They have 7 Livestock Guardian Dogs that live with and protect the goats from predators 24/7. This dog was like 4 ft tall. Seriously. I think I was more fascinated by the dogs than the goats.

We celebrated Resurrection Sunday with our home church, it was great to be back. Because our flight left early in the evening we tried something new and went out for brunch with my family and extended family, went home for dessert and a mini birthday celebration for my sister and uncle, had a quick visit and before we knew it, it was already time to go home.
Clearly, we were tired from waking up early for our Easter baskets.

When I as younger our baskets were attached to string and my dad would go all over the house, outside, through windows etc, we would follow the crazy web of strings and find our basket. Over the years, my dad became lazy tried something new and now we do a twenty questions type thing. This was probably our last time finding an Easter Basket from my parents now that we will be living in our own place from now on. I think I can handle that change in life.

We are officially in the homestretch! Only 27 more days til the move!!

I have lots of cleaning, unpacking and packing to do today.

I am resuming the 30 Day Shred today as well. I made it to Day 10, but took a break when we were home. So now that I just had a few mini Reese cups for breakfast I think I should get on that....

Friday, April 2, 2010

It's a GOOOOOOOD Friday


1. Jesus paid the price for my sins today. His blood never fails me.

2. Mr. B got an awesome job in Boston at an Investment Firm. I am so proud of him. It is the perfect match for him, he is in love with the position and the company, salary is what we had hoped for and it has great benefits (aka- Lord willing..... baby soon!!!!!!!!)

3. We found a cute little apartment to live in. It's in the process of renovation, it will be complete just in time for us to move in in May, it has great a fenced in yard for Roxie, across from a pretty pond and playground and real close to my grandparents house....real close as in a fence divides the two properties. God totally ordained this whole situation- it's so cool to see how everything worked out.

Proverbs 16:9 "In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." The past few days have been so productive for us in NH. We are so thankful for how the Lord has opened up so many doors for us. We try and plan everything, stress over jobs and places to live and we are so humbled as we look and see how blessed we are and how perfectly He had everything planned for us. So often we forget that He is all-knowing and has a good and perfect plan - more than we could imagine.

Thank you all for your prayers! We have been having a wonderful visit, time is going by so fast and we can't wait to be move back for good, settle in and finally feel like we are where we belong.

Have a great weekend and don't forget to remember what this weekend is all about. Hope you are enjoying BEAUTIFUL weather like it is here!!

It's so fitting that today is officially Good Friday. We are so excited and to say it's a GOOD Friday would be an understatement. For Jesus dying for my sins, for Mr. B getting a dream job and for finding the perfect's Fantastic Friday.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I am nesting for our fur baby.

Feels good to get that off my chest.

I can't even imagine what I will be like for our real baby if I am already like this for a dog. To tell you the truth, Mr. B and I aren't really dog people. These next 34 days we dream about life with her and love her so much... day 35 might be a nightmare. There is no guarantee. We love the idea of a dog and being a little family, but time will tell if we really do love having a dog. I am feeling confident though.

This weekend we went to a yard sale {love yard sales}, we bought Roxie a crate for $25. The day before we were in the store looking the crate we need and it retails $179.99! Our love isn't that strong....yet. I saw the crate online being sold at a yard sale, asked them to hold it for us, bartered the price a little and BAM just like that we now have a wonderful crate for her. Hoping the crate training will be just as easy.

Next on the list was a dog bed. I decided I was going to pick out my own fabric, save some money and make her one. We quickly agreed on the bottom fabric that would be used, it was the top decorative one that was the divider between Mr. B and I. This was a whole experience in itself, I wanted something girly and Mr. B wanted sports print, or burnt orange for Texas. We had this same dilema choosing her collar and leash to match {thank you etsy}. I'm sure you can imagine how this went over. He doesn't see why Roxie needs girl how about because she IS a girl. If he was smart he would be soaking in this whole process because it is keeping me distracted from my severe baby fever.

Anyways, we finally agreed on a fabric {wohoo!}, it was $14.99/yd and 50% off, we brought it up front to get cut and the lady told us it was priced wrong- it's $9.95/yd and 60% off!! Not only did we agree on a fabric, we were rewarded for our compromise. The little marriage lessons in the everyday life, so touching.

So this weekend we washed and touched up the crate and I made Roxie her adorable bed, and a crate cover. Once we get back from our trip to NH I will make her another little puppy bed, hoping to save the bigger one for when she is more mature and won't pee on it and rip it to pieces. I am bringing home a little sample for my parents' dog, to see how fast she will rip it apart so that my expectations are set.

The two fabrics:

The colors look much better in person

The whole package :

Crate ($25)+ Dog Bed ($9.50)+ Crate Cover ($6.50)= $ 41

Amount Saved: Approx. $195.00

34 more days until we meet our precious pup!

**Posting from NH!! :) **

Top 2 Tuesday: Random Things About Yourself

Today's Top 2 over the Undomestic Momma is: Random things about yourself. I hope you will still be my friend....

1. I am SO afraid of caterpillars. Honestly, I don't even want to talk about them. They give me the heebie jeebies...big time. I hate how they are furry, have a million little legs and stick to you. Yuck. Ok I am done, I can't write anymore I already feel them crawling on me. Which could lead to a number 2. I am a hypercondriac, but we will save that for another post and bring you to my real random number two.

2. I had one giant tooth for a good year and a half to two years of my life. Unfortunately it didn't look any better when the second one came in. Maybe even worse, if you can believe that. They were big. They were separated. The other teeth decided to grow behind them instead of next to them. THANK THE LORD FOR MY PARENTS AND BRACES. Can I get an Amen?!

Since the theme is random, I am going to throw in some other random points as well....

1. Did anyone watch DWTS last night? Was Jake not hilarious?!? He was extremely funny looking, but the tux, bow tie and high waters totally fit his personality. I thought he was surprisingly good, but so funny. It makes me laugh when I replay it in my head, they showed Vienna laughing too- how could you not, really?

2. Still on the topic of DWTS, Kate needs to go. She is really just making herself look worse. She was also hilarious last night, but for different reason. She was so bad. She looked like she just wanted to stop the show, run out the back door with tears streaming down her face and curl up in a corner and hide. I don't blame her. Also, if you're arguing with your dance partner and he quits on you too, I think that says a little something about your personality. She really needs to learn how to communicate her feelings more effectively, clearly her current way of dealing with situations doesn't exactly fly with most people. I know she has an unusual/messed up life, but she is starting to bother me because she takes everything so seriously and personal. She needs to have fun, let loose and stop overemphasizing that she's doing everything for her kids.

3. Another DWTS note, because obviously I think I am a professional critique. Nicole from the is this even fair?? She is a dancer! She choreographs. She has workout/dance DVDs. She got two 9s the first week and two 10s the second week- c'mon. I would be so mad if I was another contestant. Last night she said "we even added some PCD moves into this routine"...umm..if you have your own moves I think you're a dancer. Chest pumps and booty dips../you're still a dancer. I think it's funny how a few seasons ago the judges were so mean to Mario Lopez when he was so good and now Nicole is the same way and a dancer and they are treating her so much better. I still love you Mario.

4. Pamela Anderson drives me crazy! Why must everything be so sexual? She can't even stand like a normal person for .1 second, she's all over her partner, she's got her head tilted back, her body constantly moving, she's winking, licking her lips..seriously?! Ew.

5. Thanks for putting up with that vent session. I guess writing it out is just like when I tell Mr. B - I get no response but I continue to talk anyways. Except this time I am hoping for a little response or agreement from you. Please?

6. All of a sudden my name has become so popular. So popular as in I have seen it in 3 shows in the past two weeks. For me, this is a big deal. There is a girl Jordan on Amazing Race, Jordynn on 16 and Pregnant and a woman named Jordan on Castle. I will let the Castle woman pass this time, but I don't know if she really counts because she was a little too old to be named Jordan and that makes it little unbelievable to me. She is just a character, while the others are real girls. I will appreciate the fact that they even made it a girl's name on Castle though. Jordan is making it's way to the girl side - woot. woot.

7. Today is our dating anniversary, after 8 months of us dating in denial, Mr. B asked me to be his girlfriend {at Target-I know, so romantic} and it became "official" 51 months ago.

8. We are flying home to NH this afternoon!! Mr. B has a bunch of interviews over the next 3 days and we are looking at a potential place to live when we move in May. Please pray that the Lord would lead us and open up doors where needed. We are trusting and walking by faith through this whole process, it's not easy, but it will be rewarding. It's a humbling experience- that's for sure! It's also refreshing knowing that God has a plan and a purpose and He will work everything out- even when we don't know anything about what the future holds.

9. Here is a hint to my project. I will post about it tomorrow. You know this is almost as exciting as when MckMama posts a picture and leaves you hanging, don't deny it.

Monday, March 29, 2010

A Good Deal Is A Good Deal.

Mr. B and I finally had a productive weekend, the weather was perfect, we actually got dressed and went out, we got a lot done and we enjoyed every minute of it. As soon as I am finished with one of my projects I will post about our weekend and show you what I made- hopefully tonight! Since I haven't blogged all weekend, I don't want to disappoint and leave any one hanging one more day so I'll leave you with some busy work read {which I always hated in school btw}.

I forgot to mention this story last weekend...

While Mr. B was taking his test and Mama K, Smelly Sr. and I went to a few shops, Smelly Sr. went into a golf/sporting store to look for a hat. He came out wearing this hat...


Except it was burgundy, not black, but that really doesn't matter, I would just hate for you to get the wrong visual description for this story. Just taking care of my followers nothing new...

So he came out with this great-Nike-perfect-fit-to-his-head hat. He's all excited about how wonderful the fit was and how nice of a hat it was for only $15. It was on clearance. Perfect. Mission accomplished.

He asked Mama K and I if we knew what the "TW" stood for and we had no idea (shocking I know). Wilson Tennis, with the letters in the wrong order?? That's the best I could think of, but decided it was best to keep it to myself considering the fact it was primarily a golf store and it wouldn't exactly make sense to put the letters in reverse order. Over the years I have learned to keep certain comments like this in my head. Where they belong. Instead of making a fool of myself. Anyways, we shrugged it off, agreed on the good deal and continued our way back to the apartment.

When Mr. B, a big sports guru- knows everything about everything, arrived home the conversation went something like this:

Mr. B {sarcastically}: Nice hat, Dad.

Smelly Sr {in all seriousness}: Yeah! You like it? On sale- only $15 across the street. I don't know what all this means though. What does the "TW" stand for?

Mr. B: Tiger Woods.

Everyone mumbles:
Duh, that makes sense.

Well that explains why it's on clearance.

Real nice.

Way to represent.

Smelly Sr: Oh...well it's still a nice hat and was only $15.

Because sometimes a good deal is a good deal and that's all that matters.
Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!!