Friday, September 16, 2011


With the exception of granny smith apples and caramel dip in my early 2nd trimester I haven't had any real cravings. 

Until now. 

I just want to love on that little smirk, 
 Hold her tight and cuddle her all day sans foot on forehead,
 See that sweet smile,

Kiss those little piggies

 Kiss those chubby little cheeks,

And that button nose,
And those perfect little lips,

Will she have her daddy's baby blues or her mommy's dimpled cheeks?

 I can't wait to smell that fresh baby head,

And that sweet baby breath, 
to just sit and stare at our little miracle all day long.
 My love for her is already exploding.
I want her now

But she's not ready yet.
This craving won't be fulfilled for another 10{ish}weeks. 
Mama and Daddy can not wait to meet you precious baby girl!!! 

And in the meantime I will satisfy some other cravings like a rotisserie chicken sandwich
And chocolate pudding :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday's Thoughts

1. I finally bit the bullet and bought some Tums. Glory, Hallejulah! Those things really work! They really aren't as bad as I thought they would be- I went with assorted berry and they are definitely tolerable.

2. We live across from a a little park and in the summer time the ice cream truck comes by at least 2 times a day. Can you imagine the temptation for a preggo mama?!? I would seriously hear the ice cream truck every where I went....even when it wasn't around. It was getting a little freaky. Anyways, ever since Labor Day it hasn't been making any rounds in this part of town. Until....we decided to go for a walk the other night. We couldn't see it, but we could hear it. I swear it was following us. We didn't have any cash with us though. I was slightly freaking out because I really wanted an ice cream. As we got closer to our house we just just missed the truck, but we saw it turn down our road. Mr. B said it probably won't stop on our street, but guess what?? It stopped right in front of our house!! It was meant to be! I was one happy lady! I even looked like a crazy lady and explained to the ice cream man how we were on a walk and how badly I wanted an ice cream and he stopped right in front of my house etc etc. Hoping that I looked pregnant to him and not just fat. Anyways, I went for a blast from the past and gave Adalyn a little taste of my childhood.
And yes, I know that story was way too long and anti-climactic. My family felt the same way when I told them. I guess you had to be there....

3.  These word verification things drive me nuts. Can they not just use normal words, in normal font, in a straight line, without lines or zigzags blocking the letters?! Or how about we aim for right side up. 
This is the 2nd time I have gotten one like this. Who do they think I am?? Would I type in "gnikat"or do I do "taking"? This is just too much for my little mind to try and figure out. So I am thankful for the refresh button.

4. I am not really loving Ellen being on in the afternoon.  It was on at 4 in Florida too and took some getting used to, but I prefer it in the morning hours. 

5. I am excited for fall TV to return. It's the little things in life...

6. I really need to get some energy and get working on my nursery projects.
Time is flying and I have a feeling that I'm only going to get more exhausted as time goes on! 

7. We loved seeing our baby girl this past weekend in 3D. Technology is so amazing. I know some people think it's really freaky or creepy, but I think it is the coolest thing! It made us want her here now. Except not...because she still has some cookin' to do! 
Here's a sneak peek of our precious little miracle:
Could those lips be any more perfect???

Friday, September 9, 2011

28 Weeks

I never took a 28 Week picture and it was killing me. 
Sunday we were rushing before church and the rest of the week was rainy,
I was so close to just moving on to week 29, but I couldn't get myself to do it. 

So instead I had Mr. B take a picture real quick last night.
In her nursery that is not even close to being ready or photo ready.

So no pond in the background today, but her sweet little name.
I love walking in there and seeing her name on the wall. 
Somehow that makes it feel a lot more real.
It still has a lot to be done though! 

So week 28:
::Can pretty much be summed up in two words- HEARTBURN & BACKPAIN.
I got sick again this week due to heartburn and that is by the far the most painful and yuckiest.
I am definitely going to be purchasing some heartburn meds this weekend!
And the backpain comes in waves and makes me want to cry sometimes.
Yes, labor will certainly be interesting for this hypercondriac::
::Passed my glucose test!! Thank you, Jesus!::
::Measuring on track and baby girl is healthy::
::Gained 12 pounds total- Dr. would like me to gain more, not sure how I'm supposed to do that::
:: We bought a new car!!::
::I was asked if I am a few days away or a few months away. That's 2 comments about being due soon in the past 2 weeks. I still have 11 weeks to go. Bring it. ::

Looking forward to 3d Ultrasound on Sunday!! My family is coming with us and I am so exciting and praying that little miss A will cooperate and give us some cute shots! 

I was looking on etsy for some cute newborn santa outfits.
I found a style I really liked and asked a sweet family friend if she would be able to make it. 
She gave it to me yesterday.
How cute is that?!?!! 
It is so perfect and I can not wait to see Adalyn in that for her newborn/christmas pictures! 
So excited!!

This may be a way for me for me to gain some more weight.
Even though the temps are going back up to the 80s, I splurged and bought these.
Can not wait for fall and this makes it feel that much closer.

Happy Friday!! 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Talk

No,  this isn't a post about the talk.

It's a post about the show The Talk. 

Not sure if anyone watches it, but it's on in the afternoon and it's similar to The View, but better because it's a lot less political {although The View is where I get most of my current event info from and yes, that is a bit of information that I should probably keep to myself} and they also don't talk over each other like crazy ladies. 

It probably became one of my new favorite shows. 

Please note the past tense. 

We have a huge problem. 

They let Leah Remini {my girl from King of Queens}, one of my favorite hosts on the show,  go.
They asked her not to come back. 
I couldn't believe it! 
I still can't believe it. 

And I don't know all the details, but Holly also left this season.
Two of the best people.

What the heck?!!? 

They left all the boring ones. 

I googled "Leah Remini The Talk" to see if I could find any other information on it {besides what she told me on twitter...okay so she didn't really tell me, but I like to consider her my friend}and as I was typing that the auto google search suggested "annoying" - that was number one for her search! 

I get that she can be loud and obnoxious for some, but I personally liked her personality and thought she brought a lot to the show. She was just like her character on King of Queens.

The Talk has been new the past 2 days and it has been awful, awkward and boring.
I'm pretty bummed. 

Now trust me, I have more than enough other shows to waste my brain cells on. 
But still, this is not cool and I really wish they would have talked to me about this before making this decision.

Curious if anyone else watches?? Did you find Leah annoying??

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

27 Weeks

I had no energy to do the 27 week post and I didn't take a 28 week picture this weekend.
I have been so well documenting, I can't stop now! So I really need to get the ball rolling again.

I am just going to do a condensed version of an update {mostly because I don't even remember anything from last week}

Milestones for week 27:
:Made it to the THIRD trimester!!::
:: Completed the glucose test!! Still don't know if I passed, but hoping no news is good news! ::
:: Only got sick once at the very end of the week! ::
:: She's been very active, which I love! Even if it means being woken up extra early- good practice! ::
::Continue to get significantly larger every day. My sister thought I looked bigger from the ride to my parents to my house, ha!::
::Still no stretch marks on my belly....yet!::

Gender: GIRL!!! 

Total Weight Gained: I am borrowing my parents' scale- the whole suspense of not knowing how much I was gaining was killing me! So +9 for week 27. 

We made it through hurricane Irene. Thankfully, we weren't hit too badly and it was more like a super windy thunderstorm. 

Mr. B and I went outside for a quick 2 minute belly shoot. I thought it was important to document such events.
It was hilarious. 
I actually think I pulled a muscle in my back because the wind was taking the umbrella right out of my hands, I was holding on with everything in me! 

Friday, September 2, 2011

Accent Vlog {Recycled}

So I'm a little confused with all the rage about this accent vlog- I guess history really does repeat itself {lame phrase for this type of situation, I know}, but I totally made one of these back in January when everyone was doing it and now new people are finding it and doing it, I guess.

Apparently I wasn't cool enough to start the trend.

Which sounds about right.

No problem for me, I decided that I will just recycle my accent vlog.  I have some new followers who maybe never saw it. It gave me a freebie blogging day- which is always exciting. 
You know, since this is such hard work and all.

So here is my video from January-not pregnant, not summer and I can't believe how short my hair was.

Directions are as follows:
The instructions are to say these wordsAunt, Route, Wash, Oil, Theater, Iron, Salmon, Caramel, Fire, Water, Sure, Data, Ruin, Crayon, Toilet, New Orleans, Pecan, Both, Again, Probably, Spitting image, Alabama, Lawyer, Coupon, Mayonnaise, Syrup, Pajamas, Caught

And answer these questions:
What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house?
What is the bug that when you touch it, it curls into a ball?
What is the bubbly carbonated drink called?
What do you call gym shoes?
What do you say to address a group of people?
What do you call the kind of spider that has an oval-shaped body and extremely long legs?
What do you call your grandparents?
What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?
What do you call it when rain falls while the sun is shining?
What is the thing you use to change the TV channel? 

Do you think I have an accent? 
Do you have an accent? Did you make a vlog? Leave the link in the comments if you did! 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

New Friend

So today is supposed to be a pregnancy update, but change of plans because.... I just don't feel like it.
I'm feeling reallly big today. I swear, this girl is doubling in size every night!

So instead I will introduce to our newest friend- Gia the Giraffe.

We have been anxiously awaiting her arrival. 

We were so excited when the UPS guy delivered her yesterday. 
Seriously, this is no joke. Hugs all around!

This morning when Roxie got out of bed, she went right into the nursery to visit our new friend.
She isn't quite sure what to think of her.

I'm thankful we have a couple more months for them to get acquainted though, because I have a feeling that little miss Adalyn won't appreciate the loud and disruptive "conversation" that goes on.

And neither will mommy.