Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Joy Breed

A couple weeks ago, maybe even months but who's counting, 
Mr. B and I were watching the American Kennel Club Show.
 You know since we are dog people now...
We were seeing ugly dogs, cute dogs, weird looking does--that-even-classify-as-a-dog dog,
we watched the herding group. the hound group, terrier group, the non-sporting etc etc, we were watching and waiting to see an obviously not as good looking as our boxer a boxer. 
We were curious to see what breed group she is classified under. 
Yeah, we probably could've just searched online, but we had to add some extra excitement to this show.
I know, I know I'm acting like we were forced to watch this or something, but playing this game made it more fun.

Although I am pretty sure Mr. B would probably disagree with that whole statement. 

Up comes the Joy Group.

Joy Group! I exclaim, Roxie this must be you! 
{{Looking at Roxie}} Roxie are you a Joy Breed?? You are a joy to us!

Btw I wasn't expecting an answer from her, I just talk to her a lot. It's what I do. Don't judge.

::convincing ourselves this must be her group- they are energetic and loving after-all::

I don't know Babe, looks like they are all small dogs. 
That was Mr. B talking to me, not Roxie. In case you were confused. She calls me Mommy, not Babe.

Sidenote- this is the last group of the show and we haven't seen a boxer yet so she must be in this group plus- it just makes total sense. 
Of course she is a part of the Joy Breed.
It said ideal family pet.
Never mind the part that said:
Dogs of royalty.
That didn't register at the time.

Really? Well maybe the big ones are at the end of the line...

Only to feel like a complete idiot as this segment continued and the first dog in the "Joy Group" was showed...

The dogs seemed to be on the small side because ummmm... this would be the
T-O-Y Group.


So although Roxie is not a part of this group, I made up a new breed..
it's called the Joy Breed and obviously she belongs in that group :)

We later discovered that we were watching Part 2 of the show, we missed Part 1 which consisted of Roxie's group. Which is the Working case you were wondering.
Also known as the Joy Group, of course. 


Ashley said...

hahah! I use to watch the shows a lot with my Daddy because he raised beagles, so I thought they had created a new dog group. That's funny! :)

Julianne Hendrickson said...

That's my clyde in the toy group--the king charles!! haha...he looks just like him :) he is my JOY too!

Marian said...

Boxers definitely fit the "Joy" Group much more:)

Jeska said...

haha this is funny :) I talk to my Roxy all the time, if people heard they'd probably think I'm coo-coo ;)

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! oh my goodness this post made me laugh so hard. I love watching the dog show on Thanksgiving day, but sadly we missed it this year because we were traveling. But I definitely think there should be a "Joy Group"! Hee Hee!

Anonymous said...

That's funny. But I have to admit... that I was way ahead of you as I was reading your post. hee hee

And for what it's worth.. I always talk to our animals AND firmly believe they understand me. :o}

Kristin said...

Ha! That's great! I think Bichon Frises must be in the Joy Group - or maybe that's the Love Group - I swear my dog's tongues are OUT of their mouths more than they are IN!

Kendall said...

Hahaha! That's too funny! I probably would have thought the same thing. And I agree, my boxer, Beckett should totally be in the Joy group too!