Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Maternity Pics

I only wanted a few maternity pictures and didn't want to spend a lot of money on a photographer,
so I asked my younger sister if she would take them for us. 

When you have a nice camera pretty much anyone can take good pictures. She did do a great job though. much better than I expected! I am so happy with how they turned out! I showed her a bunch of "poses" that I wanted and we went out and she snapped away for about an hour. Then I edited them and voila- they look pretty profesh to me! 

::Next up is our newborn pictures which we did hire a photographer for and I am soooo excited for them!!::

The photo session started out with a very naughty puppy.
We were making our way down to the barn and she slipped out of her collar and ran right into the muddy corral. 
We were livid 
 So she had her fun and we continued with our photos.

 Mr. B hosed her off, she apologized and she was ready for Take 2.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Unique Shower

Mama K {my mother-in-law} lives in Texas and wasn't able to join us for the baby shower. 

She also really wanted to have one of her own, but with the distance it just wasn't something that could happen. 

So instead she sent out invitations to all her friends for a "Card Shower".  
Asking that they "shower" us with gift cards all through out the week. 

Let me tell ya, this has been SO awesome!! 

First of all,  getting real mail every day is exciting in and of itself. 

Add in cards filled with gift cards....does it get any better?!?!

I don't want it to end! 
 It has been so much fun to get something new every day and then head out to Target and get some other essentials {or fun things} for the baby. 

This is my kind of shower- I don't like being the center of attention and having people watch me open the gifts. So this is like win-win-win-win-win.

I'm loving it!!!

{Have I made that clear yet? ;) }

I am so amazed at the generosity of her friends- most of them have never even met us before and they are sending us these sweet cards and gift cards. How nice is that?? They have been such a blessing! 

So if you live far away from family and are looking for something fun and unique to do- this is it!!

Thanks Mama K for thinking of us and putting this together. 
I think it might even be better than Christmas. 
And thanks for having such awesome friends!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Falling in Love

I think it's finally time to blog about my baby shower that was almost 3 weeks ago!

Never mind the intentions I had to blog about our anniversary that was in July or the past 3 weeks of my belly updates! Time is going by so fast and I know it's not going to slow down once Adalyn arrives!

The theme to the shower was "Falling in Love with Adalyn Faith" and we certainly felt the love!

We are so blessed to have such wonderful and supportive people in our lives.

And I'd like to give a shout-out, once again, to Pinterest, for all the yummy recipes and decorating ideas- they were a big hit!

Thanks to everyone who showered us with love! 
Her nursery is almost finished!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Breeched Babe

Life has been very busy the past few weeks!

I still plan on posting some belly updates and photos from my shower,

but this morning my 34 week appointment gave me something else to post about.

My newest obsession.

I asked the Dr. if she could tell the position of little Miss A because there is always something super hard right around my belly button and I couldn't figure out if it was her bum or a foot. 

She felt around for her head down by my pelvis area and found it.

Then felt higher up on my belly and realized that that is her head and by my pelvis is actually her bum.

We made our way to the little ultrasound room and discovered that baby girl is indeed breech. 

Which is good news and bad news.

It's not really ideal.

She does still have time to move.

But to be honest, I was kind of excited.

I would need a c-section {which I am not opposed to anyways}.

It would be on November 14th- which is 11 days earlier than my due date AND 1 day before my birthday. 

And she would be here before Thanksgiving which is what I was really hoping for since my brother, my in-laws and sister-in law will all be visiting that week. 

So I couldn't help but grin as I was leaving because as un-perfect as this plan may be, it would work out pretty perfectly!

If I was to have a c-section I would definitely prefer it to be scheduled. 

I like how the timing works out, that we would have a plan and be prepared. 

I was obsessed with every movement before this news, now I am really obsessed with every movement- wondering if she is making her way down.

I am secretly{except not because I am blogging about it} hoping that she doesn't turn. 

We have been praying she would make her arrival a bit early to be here for the family visits and this may be it!

So I'm trying not to get my hopes up--even though they are-- I am trying to get myself back in the mindset that that is her butt and that she will be arriving in December. 

Just in case.

I googled a little and it seems like everyone is different. 

Some babies turn. 
Some don't.
So we will just have to wait and see!

I'm not going to do an ECV and I'm not planning on doing any special exercises.

Because quite frankly- I like this plan.

And although I don't really want to hear your "baby-turned stories", I kind of do. 


Was your baby breech?

Did you have a c-section?

Did your baby flip in the last few weeks?

My next appointment is in 2 weeks and we will see what her position is! 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Baby Wearing

Since you were all extremely helpful with yesterday's post I decided to do another one today before we go make our returns/purchases this weekend.

The question today is: what baby wearing sling do you prefer?

We registered for the k'tan, I liked that it was really simple and not an overload of fabric.

I am only 5'1 and the Moby Wrap kind of intimidates me with all that fabric! 

Eventually we will buy a more structured baby carrier, like possibly the ergo baby, but I wanted her to be here to be able to truly test them out and see what feels the most comfortable for all 3 of us {unless of course it pops up on baby steals soon then I will snatch it regardless}

So anyways, what's your favorite? 

What did you hate?

Would you choose the Moby over the K'tan?

Thanks again! :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Baby Monitor

I've been so busy the past week!

The shower  was on Saturday and was wonderful!

We completed our first birthing class yesterday!

And baby is due NEXT month!! 

My Grammie took a majority of the pictures from my shower and she will be giving me the CD of the photos today and I will be posting them sometime this week!

In the meantime, I need some advice on a baby monitor....

we registered for the Angelcare Video monitor 

which retails for almost $300.

So out of the many wonderful things we received this weekend- this item was not one of them. 

Now we are faced with the question do we really want to spend this much money on a monitor??

I know for sure I want a video one, but is the Angelcare mat worth the extra money?

I am a worry wart and know that I will be paranoid about SIDS so I like the idea of the mat, but does it even work??

At the moment, we are also planning on her being in her nursery from day one {Our apartment is small, as is our bedroom- and her room is right across from us so it just made more sense to have her there}. 

And yes, it makes me sad to already think about her sleeping in there. 

So anyways, do you have the Angelcare? Is it worth it?

What monitor do you have? 

What monitor did you hate?


Should we just do the Summer Infant Best View for $200??

Any advice is greatly appreciated! {When asked....which I did...so I appreciate it :) }

Monday, September 26, 2011

Misc. Monday

{one} As if the kicks, heartburn, sickness and ultrasound pictures weren't enough....I realized I am officially pregnant:
I no longer need a cup holder or TV Tray :) 
And sidenote: My belly isn't really that big, I think it's the pillows and angle making it look extra round.

{two} Friday  night was rainy and I wasn't feeling very well so Mr. B and I decided to get Boston Market for dinner because I was in the mood for some mashed potatoes. 
So I got a side of those...
Anything else?

And sweet potatoes.

Is that all?
And macaroni and cheese.

::Ummm I'll tell you when I am done sir. Please stop making me feel like a cow. Thank you. ::

Is that all?

And cornbread.

Is that all?

And baked apples.

Give the pregnant woman a break, puhhhlease! 
They are small little sides, you know!
And they were only $1.29 each!
I realized in that moment that this was the only time I could get away with getting so many sides. 
Clearly it's not normal. 
And between Mr. B laughing and the guy serving, they were me feel like I was going a little overboard. 
Sidenote: There are no pillows behind me and this isn't a weird angle so....let's blame the shirt :)

{three}  The weather here really needs to make up its mind. One day it's beautiful sunny and 60s, the next day it's rainy and 70s, then it's super humid and today is sunny and 80s. Not cool. Bring back the crisp fall air, pretty pretty please!! Especially since we put our AC away last weekend! 

{four} I made this cute wreath for our door. Was not even expensive and lots cuter than most I see at the store. I made one for Mama Grace too! Love it.

{five} Yesterday marked the two month countdown to Adalyn's due date! Today is 60 days! 

{six} This week will be filled with little nursery projects and baby shower decor. Mr. B's dad is making us a changing station and that should be coming within the next couple weeks. I am so excited about it, because it's the final/finishing touch to the nursery that {I am hoping} will really make the room feel complete. And more baby-ish.

{seven} I signed us up for childbirth class on Sunday. I figured it would be good bonding time for me and Mr. B and good learning time for him considering he doesn't know what dilating is and told me his sister's baby "has breached" meaning "is born". Yeah...he has need to work on his labor and delivery terms a little bit ;)

go link up!

Friday, September 23, 2011


I am long overdue for a post. I feel like I have a lot to write about, but nothing to write about.
Makes total sense, right?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Today I am 31 weeks and still getting sick! I have come to the realization that it is probably here to stay. My Dr. told me that the cure for my back pain was to have the baby and I am thinking that is also the cure for my sickness. I am thankful that it is still not as bad as the 1st trimester all day nausea/sickness. Now I am only getting sick about 2-3 times a week. The unfortunate thing is I feel fine, I eat and I usually get sick after I eat- totally out of the blue. Which is gross.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I never did a 29 or 30 Week update, but so far everything has been pretty consistent. I am sleeping a little better, Tums have allowed me to control my heartburn a little and I pretty much have constant back pain.  Oh yeah and I am officially getting/feeling huge. My newest symptom is feeling winded all the time. I know I was out of shape before, but this is getting pretty ridiculous.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
We've made it to the single digit weekly countdown- wohoo!! 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We had a successful trip to Ikea last weekend and her nursery is kind of, but not really, almost finished.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I've been doing other rearranging/decorating around the house. Thank you Pinterest.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I'm excited for Footloose.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Today is my last day of work! I pretty much have the easiest job in the world. I watch a really laid back, easy going, independent 18 month old at my house. I probably could have kept watching him for another month, but I have all the toys and crib for him in Adalyn's room so that needs to go so we can finish up. So that will be nice to feel extra free, but not so nice to not have the extra cash to be free to shop.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

My shower is next weekend! This weekend we are working on some fun fall decorations this weekend.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

I'm starting to get a little nervous of how Roxie will be with Adalyn. She really needs to learn personal space. I don't think she would ever hurt her on purpose, but Roxie doesn't know her own strength so I think we need to start training her somehow. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I'm happy about the fall shows being back! Although we are loving Friday Night Lights and now we have other shows to watch so I guess that will become our weekend show. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I'm still loving our new CR-V which I also plan on posting about in the near future. Maybe.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mama Grace and I went to a big consignment sale last weekend and scored some good deals. I wish that my shower was before the sale though because they had a lot of things on the registry for real cheap, but I didn't want to waste my money in case I did get them. I did snatch some things though and took them off my registry because the deal was too good. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

I am so thankful for the cooler fall weather and the extra layers of clothes that are needed.
I am done with the little summer clothes. Let's get this mama covered up, please!
Except of course, when I am home and prefer to be as free as possible. 
Well...Adalyn does ;)

That's the randomness for the day!
Happy Weekend!!

Friday, September 16, 2011


With the exception of granny smith apples and caramel dip in my early 2nd trimester I haven't had any real cravings. 

Until now. 

I just want to love on that little smirk, 
 Hold her tight and cuddle her all day sans foot on forehead,
 See that sweet smile,

Kiss those little piggies

 Kiss those chubby little cheeks,

And that button nose,
And those perfect little lips,

Will she have her daddy's baby blues or her mommy's dimpled cheeks?

 I can't wait to smell that fresh baby head,

And that sweet baby breath, 
to just sit and stare at our little miracle all day long.
 My love for her is already exploding.
I want her now

But she's not ready yet.
This craving won't be fulfilled for another 10{ish}weeks. 
Mama and Daddy can not wait to meet you precious baby girl!!! 

And in the meantime I will satisfy some other cravings like a rotisserie chicken sandwich
And chocolate pudding :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday's Thoughts

1. I finally bit the bullet and bought some Tums. Glory, Hallejulah! Those things really work! They really aren't as bad as I thought they would be- I went with assorted berry and they are definitely tolerable.

2. We live across from a a little park and in the summer time the ice cream truck comes by at least 2 times a day. Can you imagine the temptation for a preggo mama?!? I would seriously hear the ice cream truck every where I went....even when it wasn't around. It was getting a little freaky. Anyways, ever since Labor Day it hasn't been making any rounds in this part of town. Until....we decided to go for a walk the other night. We couldn't see it, but we could hear it. I swear it was following us. We didn't have any cash with us though. I was slightly freaking out because I really wanted an ice cream. As we got closer to our house we just just missed the truck, but we saw it turn down our road. Mr. B said it probably won't stop on our street, but guess what?? It stopped right in front of our house!! It was meant to be! I was one happy lady! I even looked like a crazy lady and explained to the ice cream man how we were on a walk and how badly I wanted an ice cream and he stopped right in front of my house etc etc. Hoping that I looked pregnant to him and not just fat. Anyways, I went for a blast from the past and gave Adalyn a little taste of my childhood.
And yes, I know that story was way too long and anti-climactic. My family felt the same way when I told them. I guess you had to be there....

3.  These word verification things drive me nuts. Can they not just use normal words, in normal font, in a straight line, without lines or zigzags blocking the letters?! Or how about we aim for right side up. 
This is the 2nd time I have gotten one like this. Who do they think I am?? Would I type in "gnikat"or do I do "taking"? This is just too much for my little mind to try and figure out. So I am thankful for the refresh button.

4. I am not really loving Ellen being on in the afternoon.  It was on at 4 in Florida too and took some getting used to, but I prefer it in the morning hours. 

5. I am excited for fall TV to return. It's the little things in life...

6. I really need to get some energy and get working on my nursery projects.
Time is flying and I have a feeling that I'm only going to get more exhausted as time goes on! 

7. We loved seeing our baby girl this past weekend in 3D. Technology is so amazing. I know some people think it's really freaky or creepy, but I think it is the coolest thing! It made us want her here now. Except not...because she still has some cookin' to do! 
Here's a sneak peek of our precious little miracle:
Could those lips be any more perfect???

Friday, September 9, 2011

28 Weeks

I never took a 28 Week picture and it was killing me. 
Sunday we were rushing before church and the rest of the week was rainy,
I was so close to just moving on to week 29, but I couldn't get myself to do it. 

So instead I had Mr. B take a picture real quick last night.
In her nursery that is not even close to being ready or photo ready.

So no pond in the background today, but her sweet little name.
I love walking in there and seeing her name on the wall. 
Somehow that makes it feel a lot more real.
It still has a lot to be done though! 

So week 28:
::Can pretty much be summed up in two words- HEARTBURN & BACKPAIN.
I got sick again this week due to heartburn and that is by the far the most painful and yuckiest.
I am definitely going to be purchasing some heartburn meds this weekend!
And the backpain comes in waves and makes me want to cry sometimes.
Yes, labor will certainly be interesting for this hypercondriac::
::Passed my glucose test!! Thank you, Jesus!::
::Measuring on track and baby girl is healthy::
::Gained 12 pounds total- Dr. would like me to gain more, not sure how I'm supposed to do that::
:: We bought a new car!!::
::I was asked if I am a few days away or a few months away. That's 2 comments about being due soon in the past 2 weeks. I still have 11 weeks to go. Bring it. ::

Looking forward to 3d Ultrasound on Sunday!! My family is coming with us and I am so exciting and praying that little miss A will cooperate and give us some cute shots! 

I was looking on etsy for some cute newborn santa outfits.
I found a style I really liked and asked a sweet family friend if she would be able to make it. 
She gave it to me yesterday.
How cute is that?!?!! 
It is so perfect and I can not wait to see Adalyn in that for her newborn/christmas pictures! 
So excited!!

This may be a way for me for me to gain some more weight.
Even though the temps are going back up to the 80s, I splurged and bought these.
Can not wait for fall and this makes it feel that much closer.

Happy Friday!!