Monday, April 26, 2010


Florida had some crazy thunderstorms last night.
It started around 8:30 and by 1:30 AM it was just plain ridiculous.
I guess we just couldn't leave Florida with out experiencing a southern storm.

Not gonna lie, I was scared.
I hate big storms like that.
Not sure what exactly I am scared of... getting struck by lightning, the thunder collapsing our apartment, a fire, having to evacuate and having no bra or pants on....I know these fears are about as ridiculous as the storm, but hey, we all have our problems.

To give you a little background, I was the child that went running into her parents' room during a big storm until I was 13 15 18 21. Yup, I was the leader of the scared pack to my 9 year old brother and 11 year old sister. Maturity at it's finest.

Well last night was the first major storm {that has scared me} since we have been married.
Let me remind you that Mr. B will sleep through anything {another reason why we are getting a dog}. In a few areas he is more mature than me, an example of this is he is fearless of thunderstorms.
And apparently he is not familiar with the how-to-cope-with-a-wife-who-is-scared-of-the-big-bad-thunder routine.

Last night went as follows:
{SUPER loud thunder}

Ms. J:{Waking Mr. B} Babe....I'm scared. There's like a hurricane outside.
{I felt like we were in The Rainforest Cafe/the movie Twister....maybe this movie had an influence on my fear??}

Mr. B: Oh {rolls over to the other side....back against me}

Ms. J: Are you kidding me?! Why would you do that? I just said I was scared!

{more loud thunder and crazy lightning}

Mr. B: Oh, I didn't hear that. {rolls to his back and falls back asleep}

Ms. J: Are you for real right now? Husband of the Year... I said I was scared!

Mr. B: You are? Sorry, I didn't hear you say that.

Ms. J: Yes you did, you already said that to me!

Mr. B: It's fine, just go to bed {remains on back and begins to fall asleep}.

Ms. J: Oh my goodness! I am so mad at you right now.

Is it that complicated?! For some reason when your 22 and scared of thunderstorms you aren't taken seriously....

He finally came closer to my side and put his arm around me after I got really mad, hit his arm and yelled at him and then we argued about who is really asleep right now. He thought I was sleeping because surely I would not be freaking out like that if I was awake and I was convinced he was sleeping because surely he wouldn't be choosing not to comfort me if he was awake.

The storm ended around 2AM and I finally fell back asleep. Safe in his arms.
Who knew that would be such a difficult task.

We went over the rules for future expectations during the next storm.

Some video clips I took of the storm after being woken up 1:30AM.
I realize this post might be more dramatic without showing what the storm was actually like, but just in case- here it is for some special effect.
Of course, the real big thunder always came after I stopped recording.
The wind was so strong, look at those palms.
The lightning was like a strobe light outside.

{In the beginning, I was an idiot and tried recording with the door open and, believe it or not, got really wet}

{Yes, I was nervous the lightning would strike me holding the camera up against the window}

Make me feel better....
anyone else scared of t-storms??
Or do you think they are cool?


B said...

Absolutely hilarious! Typical guy, right?? I'm terrified of storms too, rain I can handle. But thunderstorms, no thank you. My house got struck by lightning when I was in high school and i'm forever traumatized. :(

Taylor-Made Wife said...

I don't mind thunderstorms (but I live in Texas) but I am terrified of tornados. If it makes you feel better, my husband chooses to go OUTSIDE to play in the storm when I am scared insead of love on me. grrrr

Jamie said...

That sounds like something my hubby would do!

I don't mind thunderstorms as long as they don't get too bad!

Jessica Hilton said...

Aww! Sorry that you had to go through that. At least you and the hubby have an understanding of how to handle it in the future. I love storms! I also live in Texas, at the very-most-southernest tip, and I love to sit by the open windows during hurricane season. I don't live too near the coast so we usually just get heavy rains and lots of wind. :-)

Ashley said...

I am TERRIFIED of bad weather!!!
When Josh was on nightshift I seriously thought I would have a heartattack whenever it started raining because I knew a storm was probably coming - ha!

We live VERY close to FL & we had those horrible storms on Saturday! :(

Abby said...

Admittedly, I looooove thunderstorms, but can totally relate to the hubs-won't-wake-up dilemma...wait until you have kids!!!!! Ha :)

Just think, in a little over a week, you'll be Florida storm free!

Anonymous said...

I grew up in Florida and so I agree...Florida can have some crazy storms!! The really bad ones will wake me up and scare me enough to make it difficult to go back to sleep. I'm not afraid of getting struck...but I'm not really sure what the fear is. And that conversation is too funny! Boys! :)

♥ sarah said...

i grew up in fla and i used to love thunderstorms, but i think i've turned into a sissy lately! we had a really bad storm here (indianapolis) on friday night and i was so freaked out haha

Julianne Hendrickson said...

It woke me up around 12:30 and I was up for an hour--strobe lights is the perfect adjective!! Who can sleep with all that going on?? I don't LOVE thunderstorms, but I really don't like the tricks it plays on my mind, especially at night! I could swear the trees in our front yard were going to come through our window and kill us in bed...I mean, possible, but not highly likely. Storm do crazy things to our heads!

Hilary said...

I've grown up with them, so I'm pretty used to them. One of our friends though, has a little girl who was home with her dad when she was 8 & the lightening set their alarm system off, so when he went to turn it off, the lightening came through the house via the alarm panel and electrocuted his arm. They said it was pretty much a fireball explosion and it burnt him pretty bad. The poor girl has anxiety attacks everytime a thunderstorm rolls in and she's 11 now.

Rachel and John said...

I love T-Storms!!
But John totally does the same thing when I'm scared of things. Like once when we were camping and I swear there was a bear outside our tent. In all fairness I wanted him to go outside and check and really that's crazy.

Jessica said...

You are too funny :) I'm a native Floridian so barring an actual hurricane passing by my doorway I can handle pretty much anything when it comes to storms. It's a good thing ya'll are leaving NW FL before the real hurricane season kicks into gear or Mr. B wouldn't get any sleep ever!

Chelsea said...

I too am scared of thunderstorms and would've done the EXACT same thing!!

Sonja said...

hahaha! hilarious! Are we married to the same person?? lol

I was raised here and live here and still get scared when there's huge storms but I love them as well!

The world is hers said...

Oh gosh, I would have been there right along with you! Thunderstorms scare me! My great-grandpa got struck by lightening about 25 years ago and lost the ability to speak. Eek!

Meant to be a mom said...

Your so funny. I'm only scared of storms if a tornado is involved which is most storms passing through Oklahoma. Since I live in tornado valley and have since I was born I'm sort of used to it but don't worry if I hear those sirens go off I'm in the bathroom in the tub with my radio. I don't want to be killed.

I'm glad your ok. Storms can be really scary. :)

Natalie said...

Oh my gosh HILarious! I don't understand people who can sleep so deeply like that. If someone/thing wakes me up i am awake. i bet he will be paying for that later :)

Cherry Berry said...

I used to never be afraid of storms, tornados, etc... But now that I have a child, they make me super nervous! Children change everything!

free FONT said...

so much fun ^^!

warm greeting

LWLH said...

I was scared sh*tless too...I did the same thing to BigMan....that lightening was craziness!

Amanda said...

I remember once my dad was on vacation and there was a horrible storm that blew the doors open in the basement and all the alarms went off and the police came over and searched the house..Mr.B slept the whole time. Then, the alarms went off again, as soon as my mom and I fell back asleep, and he still slept. So I understand. He sleeps like a rock.